Monday 21 November 2011

Sources: books page update

The sources: books additional page of this blog, which you can find here, has been updated and enlarged with a new section on medieval jewellery books.

Four rings from the Chalcis treasure dating from 13th-15th century. The Chalcis treasure was buried 
in 1470 in Chalcis, Greece - a Venetian trading post - to save them from the Ottoman Turks. 
The rings are now at the British Museum, London, UK. 
Image from the book 'Intelligible beauty'  (2010) edited by Chris Entwistle and Noël Adams

1 comment:

  1. Nice bling bling there.

    You should get the exhibition catalogue on the Pritzwalker hoard.

    About a stash of 14th century silver jewellery and dress accesories that was stuffed into the ground in an east german hanseatic town, Pritzwalk, somewhere after 1392.
    It also contains a good overview of comparative treasures found in northern europe.
